Draft Economic Vitality Strategic Plan – In Progress
Prepare a Draft EVSP | Spring 2016 – Fall 2017
The information and input generated in the prior project phases will be used to develop goals, policies and programs that make up the core of the EVSP. These are the tools used to implement the community’s vision. The public will have the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft EVSP, and it will be reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
EVSP Adoption
Final Steps – Adopt a new EVSP | Fall 2017
The final document will be prepared and presented to both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings on the EVSP before it is formally adopted, although ultimate authority to adopt the new Plan rests with the Board of Supervisors.
EVSP Implementation
Implement EVSP Action Items | Fall 2017
After approval from the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, County staff will begin the process of implementing the EVSP and bringing to life the 31 action items detailed within the plan. For some action items, the County will assume direct responsibility for carrying out the indicated tasks. For other items, the County will function in more of a support/coordination role. The partnership approach builds on the County’s existing, successful relationships with the other organizations and will expand the reach and impact of the County’s economic vitality efforts and the effectiveness of partner initiatives through strategic allocation of resources.